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Exchanging Links

One of the most important aspects of SEO is to get other sites to link to yours. In the process of asking other sites to link to you it is inevitable that someone will ask for a reciprocal link back to them. If you make a link on your site that points back to their site you will negate value of the link from a search engines perspective.

There is a technical way to solve this so that they get their link and you get the value of their link pointing to you.

  • First you need to purchase another domain name other than your current site. The link page that you create will come from this new domain name.
  • Inform your sales rep that you would like to create a new web within your current installation
  • Once the web has been created, point your new domain name to your existing IP address and assign the domain to the new web in the setup section of your cms module.
  • Go to the new web in the cms content menu and on the home page create the links you want to point to other sites. The template that should be used is called Empty Template. The page should be fully functional now using the new domain name.
  • Now go back to your base website and create a new page called Resources or something relevant to how you want it to be displayed.
  • In the content we are going to include the new page you created using frames. This way the page will have your main domain name, however the content will actually be coming from the new website, thus the search engines will not consider the link coming from your website.

To create frame in the content of the new page copy and paste the following code using the Source editor

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/></head>
<iframe frameborder="0" height="3000" width="100%" src="">
Your browser does not support iframes.

The result of this will include the contents of into the page. You can see this page working by clicking here. Of course you will need to change the url to cnn to your new domain name.

You can tweak the settings of the iframe by setting attributes of which can be found at the w3schools website