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Affiliate Global Rates

The "Affiliate Global Rates" tab within the "Affiliates" section of the Ecommerce module allows you to set specific discount rates for each of the affiliate groups within the system.

In order to set and/or modify the rate for a particular affiliate group, simply click on the "Edit" icon located in the upper-right hand corner of the table.

You can then enter whatever rate you would like for the desired group, as well as specify whether you would like for the discount to be calculated as a percentage of the order's price or as a set number of dollars (or other currency), by selecting the appropriate option from the "Unit" drop-down menu.

Once you have set/modified the rate(s) as desired, simply click "Save," and the new settings will be applied to the system, so that all affiliates within the group(s) will receive the discount rate(s) specified when ordering from your company.