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Online Discussion Forums Features & Benefits

AspireForums allows you to create forums within your website to facilitate both internal communication and communication with external users of the website who may have questions about your business or the website's functioning. With the following innovative features, AspireForums helps to ensure that forums are easily managed and organized, in order to help your business and website function and respond to any issues that arise as efficiently as possible:

Post Flexibility
Systematic Forum Structure
Comprehensive Records
Forum Controls
Practical Moderation Capabilities
Straightforward & Customizable Setup
Special Features

Post Flexibility:

Compositional Freedom
Expansive window provides you with plenty of leeway in composing the content or body of a post.

Emoticon Support
When composing a post, you have full access to a range of smiley faces/icons.

Email Notification
When making a post, you can select if you would like to be notified by email about new posts in the thread you are adding your post to.

Attachment Capacity
The system allows users to attach files to posts.

Visibility Regulation
When adding posts, users can choose whether or not to make the post visible to everyone.

Preview Function
The system allows you to view a preview of your post as it will appear within the forum before submitting.

One-Click Replies
The system allows users to reply to any particular post by simply clicking on the appropriate icon in that post's row.

Quote Capabilities
When replying to a post, user have the option of including the contents of the previous post by clicking on the appropriate icon in that post's row

User-Friendly Administration:

Systematic Forum Structure:

Centralized Organization
All forums are organized neatly in an easy-to-access hierarchy of folders.

Status Controls
With the system, you can set and view statuses for each forum at any time (whether or not they are currently active/visible and moderated).

User-Friendly Forum Creation
New forums can be created at the base level of the hierarchy or under an existing forum/folder with a simple click of your mouse.

One-Click Removal
Existing forums/folders can be removed from the system at any time with a click of your mouse.

Customized Details
The system gives you full freedom in assigning a unique name and description to each forum.

Modification Support
At any time, you can click on a forum to view and/or modify its details and settings.

Complete & Accessible Index
AspireForums' "Browser" section allows you to view and access all forums for the site and all threads and posts included within them.

Search Function
For your convenience, the "Search" section of the administration allows you to search for any existing post by specifying a particular keyword, author, and forum.

Statistical Records
The system keeps track of vital statistics for each forum (namely, the number of existing threads and posts) that can be accessed at any time.

Latest Post Listing
Every forum keeps track of and lists the latest post that has been made for easy access.

Simple Post Access
By clicking on a post, you can view its full contents as well as any existing attached posts (replies).

Forum Controls:

Rights Regulation
The system allows you to set and manage which groups of users will have the right to perform specific actions within each forum, such as view posts, reply to posts, create threads, moderate posts, and add attachments.

Post Adjustability
For your convenience, posts can be modified at any time with a simple click of your mouse.

Visibility Controls
The system allows you to alter the visibility of individual posts with a click of mouse at any time.

Removal Discretion
Posts can be deleted at any time with just a click of your mouse.

Practical Moderation Capabilities:

Accessible Database
For your convenience, the "Moderation" section within the administration consolidates and displays all posts that are currently pending for moderation.

Efficient Search Function
In order to find specific posts more efficiently, you can use a search form to limit the pending moderation list to posts under specific forums.

Transparent Post Details
The list of posts requiring moderation provides you with all the relevant information (author, date/time of creation, topic, number of posts, and number of views).

Thread Regulation
Moderators are free to close or move individual threads at any time.

Straightforward & Customizable Setup:

Default User Alias
As a part of the module's setup, you can specify a default alias that will be used in place of the author's name when an anonymous user makes a post.

Thread Order
The module's setup allows you to set a default order for threads to be displayed in (latest thread first, latest thread last, most posts thread first).

Post Order
The module's setup gives you control over the default order in which posts are displayed (latest post first, latest post last).

Display Settings
With the module's setup, you can specify the default number of posts that will be displayed on a single page.

Email Settings
The module's setup allows you to specify email settings, such as the email address and name from which automatic system emails will appear as having been sent.

Special Features:

Multi-Lingual Capacity
The AspireSoft system is characterized by full multi-lingual support, meaning that you can make use of AspireForums in any language you like.

Security Controls
As ApireForums is for corporate use and requires each user to be registered, your forums will be protected from spam and unwanted visitors.

AspireForums allows you to freely export content from your forums.

Friendly URL's
For you convenience, the entire AspireSoft system, AspireForums included, makes use of friendly URL's.

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