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Outlook Express 5.x

Outlook Express is an e-mail client that comes packaged with Internet Explorer version 4.x and 5.x. Internet Explorer is a web browser offered free from Microsoft and can be downloaded by visiting You must install (but not necessarily use) Internet Explorer to be able to use Outlook Express. Once you have downloaded and installed the package, follow the instructions below to set up your 1stOmni e-mail account.

Instructions for setting up additional email accounts in Outlook Express 5.x can be found here.

(NOTE: In order for these instructions to work, you must have Outlook Express installed correctly and running.

1) Launch Outlook Express and click on "Tools", then "Accounts.

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2) On the 'Accounts' windows that comes up, select the 'Mail' tab at the top and click on the 'Add' button, choosing 'Mail' as the item to add.

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3) Outlook Express will now ask you for your mail account settings. The first window will ask for your name.

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4) The second window will ask if you are setting up an existing account or a new account. Select the option that says you already have an e-mail account that you want to use and type in your full e-mail address (e.g."").

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5) On this window you will need to choose the mail server type that has been setup for you. POP3 is the default and most common. Unless you have been told otherwise, choose this one. If you would like more information about IMAP click here. Enter the mail server name you were given for Incoming mail server. Enter the Outgoing SMTP server of you Internet access provider.

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5) On this screen enter the Account name (username) and password that you were given by 1stOmni

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6) Click Finish

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7) If you want to change or check your settings you can click on the properties button and make any necessary changes. You should now be able to send and receive mail. If you have any problem, please call us at 781-788-9382 for help.

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